Monday, November 5, 2012

Editors Comments November 2012

While Jacqui and I were in the UK and intermittently out of internet contact, work on the Newsletter has continued due to some dedicated and busy Transitioners; thanks to Christine for helping us implement the new work flow plan utilizing Melissas excellent suggestions, namely dropbox and meetings, Melissa has really stepped up her organizational efforts to help us the newsletter and blog the next step, and Robyn has been so busy with workshops, trainings and the like I dont know where she found time to write it all up, but she did the results make up the bulk of the content for this issue.

As part of the aforementioned next step we have several newsletter positions that need filling.
Editor - responsible for gathering and proofing content for each issue and updating, maintaining and backing up the list of subscribers.

Community events coordinator - responsible for collating community events information into a monthly info calendar for each issue.

As we approach the one year anniversary of Foothills Transition, there are many exciting developments underway. One of the ones Im most excited about is workshops of which there are several. I dont suppose these will happen more than once every 2 or 3 months at first but even this may require a team of folks to make each one happen successfully. Here are my suggestions for that team.

Team leader - overall management of the logistics and scheduling of the workshops
Publicity - responsible for preparing all marketing press releases, snippets and newsletter articles relating to the workshops.
Logistics support - arranging of materials, presenter support, and site details.
Much of this work should be able to happen electronically and if we can get this team together with a full complement it will mean less time for each volunteer.

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