On Saturday 28th January Foothills Transition will
host an innovative Open Space event designed to facilitate creative local
action to address the challenges of energy supply, cost, and use in the future.
This event will follow the Footcandle screening of
the movie ‘Gasland’ at the Carolina Theater on Thursday which examines the
negative effects of natural gas drilling.
We have entered a period of ever-declining oil and gas supplies over the
long term along with increasing prices.
How does this impact us? Can we
transform how we heat and cool our homes, how we transport ourselves, and the
products we use every day? Can we
relocalize our food supply to make it less dependent upon fossil fuels? All this takes planning. How will we plan for a future beyond the age
of cheap energy?
Open Space is an
extraordinary and powerful tool that is used successfully around the world to
build solutions to seemingly intractable problems. The evening will be divided into two
sessions, starting at 7pm with a brief
introduction to Transition and 7.20pm to begin the
discussion rotation. Everyone is welcome
to participate in this unique event, so come along and be part of the solution.
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